Shashwat Sahbhagi Sansthan

Mainstreaming Disabled

mainstreaming-disabledMainstreaming people with physical disability with the development process is a real challenge. Shashwat has addressed the issue with right based approach and has taken the issue among community and government.

In Machhrehta block of Sitapur district (where the program has been initiated), five clusters have been identified for intervention. Six community level organisations of disabled people, known as disable person organisation (DPO) have been formed. In each of these DPOs, office bearers as president, secretary and treasurer have been elected who represent their issues by meeting PRI members, government officials and line departments. To develop their documentation skills and to help them in maintaining records, one day workshop was organised with all 6 DPOs. 

To raise awareness among community and government departments, Disability Mela was organised in Machhrehta Block. One-day training cum meeting with the PRI members, school teachers, Anganwadi workers and ANMs was held to increase their understanding on disability issues. 

In the course of intervention, it came to light that there were many disabled people who could not avail government services as they did not possess disability certificate issued by the government. A massive campaign was launched and the issue was taken to the district CMO. As a result, 22 certificates were issued by the CMO. A certification camp for the disabled was organized at Machhrehta PHC on 31st May 2011 with the help of CMO and its board members. Total 46 people out of 96 were issued certificates.

To link disabled with NREGA, community level meetings were organized to sensitize PRI members. Following the intensive meetings with the PRI members, many disabled people got job cards and many people got entitled to receiving disability pension. In total, there are 22 people who have been linked with NREGA.