Shashwat Sahbhagi Sansthan


agricultureUttar Pradesh Diversified Agriculture Support Project (UPDASP) commenced in September 1998 with the financial assistance from the World Bank to intensify agricultural activities through farmer's participation. After the World Bank funding stopped, it is being financed by the Uttar Pradesh Government.

UP has varied topography as is distinctly demonstrated through the nine agro-ecological zones. These zones have significant variations in terms of soil conditions, rainfall, temperature, etc. Besides, the State is divided into four economic regions – Eastern, Western, Central and Bundelkhand. Almost all the available arable land has already been brought under cultivation, it is now recognized that future growth would largely come from improvements in productivity and diversification into the production of high value commodities in the farming systems linked to regional specialization and sustainable management of resources, especially land and water.

Shashwat Sahbhagi Sansthan is a partner of Uttar Pradesh Diversified Agriculture Support Project (UPDASP) project in Firozabad district. Initially financed by World Bank and now financed by the Governemnt of Uttar Pradesh, project activities include:

  •          SHG formation, male and female
  •          Agricultural demonstrations
  •          Training for food production
  •          Kisan Vidyalaya
  •          Vermi-compost promotion
  •          Marketing of produce
  •          Building model DASP villages
  •          Identification of model farmers and capacity building of identified model farmers
  •          Association with line departments related to agriculture like horticulture, floriculture, poultry, dairy, food preservation, animal husbandry, fisheries, etc., have been forged.


  •          SHG formation(Male 86, female 73)
  •          540 Agricultural demonstrations
  •          23 Training on food production
  •          19 Kisan Vidyalaya , one in each block
  •          44 units of Vermi-compost
  •          Linking  of Producers Association with three marketing agencies
  •          36 model DASP villages
  •         Identification of 40 model farmers and capacity building of identified farmers